Enticing viewers to become buyers.

Enticing viewers to become buyers.

In the “real” world, to buy a product you visit a store and look, touch, feel and smell the item you are considering purchasing. You are able to see for yourself the colour, the feel, the tiny details all the elements that entice you to buy long before you even look...
What Can TV Teach Us About eCommerce?

What Can TV Teach Us About eCommerce?

Let’s face it, many of us lament the fact that there is simply NOTHING on TV. (Who else spends ages randomly scrolling through TV Channels or Netflix offerings, before arriving at something you may have even seen before in resignation?) In today’s busy TV...
What Types of Images Do You Need?

What Types of Images Do You Need?

The old adage “A Picture Tells a Thousand Words” is a good indication that images are pretty important. In this post, I want to talk about the importance of your product images and what types of images you should have on your listings to turn those watchers into...
Photography Tips for Amazon Products

Photography Tips for Amazon Products

In today’s crowded world of online selling, all businesses are trying to usurp their competitors and market their products in front of prospective buyers.   To stay relevant and viable you need more than just a good product and competitive pricing. Online viewers can...
Why You Should have Professional Looking Images

Why You Should have Professional Looking Images

We get it. You have spent weeks, maybe even months, finding your new product. It seems like you have had your hand in your pocket almost every day. Samples, more samples, the purchase order, then freight and customs charges.Now you might feel that photos are the last...
The Secret To Boost Your Online Sales

The Secret To Boost Your Online Sales

Do you sell physical products online?Do you struggle to get the sales you dream of? There are many reasons why your products might not be selling as well as you hoped. It might not have a compelling description, it might be in the wrong category, it might be...