As entrepreneurs, we can often feel like the deck is stacked against us when it comes to the digital world. We don’t have the same budgets as our massive competitors nor do we have the army of marketers that they can employ. So how is a small or medium sized business able to go against those overwhelming odds and carve out its piece of the market? Stay tuned as I give you some simple tips to drive traffic to your listings.
I am sure you know that social referrals, which mean links that are shared on social networks, have become a crucial source of incoming traffic and have become just as (if not more) important than search engines as a source of new readers for some time. Now, Facebook is no longer just competing with Google but it is gaining ground fast. Facebook is now the 3rd most popular website behind Google and YouTube.
As Facebook edges toward Google in the traffic-referral race, brands have become much more reliant on Facebook engagement.
In a nutshell, engaging posts come in 3 forms, text updates, photos, and 3rd party links.
A study by Facebook Studio shows that posts with images drive more engagement. So whenever you can, share images along with links to your site to drive more engagement and get more people to click on the links.
The nice thing about this is that the description travels with the photo when it’s shared so you have control over the message.
You should create a Facebook business page for your brand and post to it consistently to drive traffic to your listings. This can seem a daunting task but our social media planner takes the guesswork out of what to post by giving you prompts for the next 2 years.
An often overlooked area to gain Facebook traffic is adding a link to your eCommerce storefront in the “about” box of both your personal profile and your business page. I like to add the link to my eCommerce store as a “workplace”. In this way, people can easily visit your store with a click.
The fresh and new content you post on your business page is important, not only for social media marketing but also for search engine optimization. Posting something new and helpful regularly can benefit your store traffic. You can post tips about your niche, ask questions of your viewer in relation to your nice, or answer the frequently asked questions that come in from your customers.
As long as you are able to update your page as frequently as possible, it definitely helps to drive more traffic to your site. Remember our planner makes posting a simple task.
To drive more traffic to your website, make sure you have links in other parts of your Facebook page that people may be visiting. Add links in your photo descriptions, and especially on your cover photo which will be clicked on more often.
Don’t neglect your own personal profile when considering how you can drive more traffic to your website, but be mindful that Facebook does not approve of doing business from a personal profile. You can however share your Facebook Page posts from your personal profile (the same as you would any other business) with no penalty.
You should also optimize your own “about” section with links. Be generous when you describe yourself and also your business. Write longer descriptions so that people who read the about page would understand you and your business right away.
According to a study, very short posts receive more likes, while long posts receive more likes and shares. Therefore, it is better to write long posts compared to short ones, as it can be instrumental in driving more website traffic from your Facebook page.
Writing essential posts is important, but posting at the right time would definitely boost your post visibly. According to a study, the best time to post on Facebook is at noon. You could also try posting at different times to see which one works for you. Keeping a close watch on your Facebook analytics will soon show when your posts are getting the best traction. Once you have discovered that…That is the time to post the most.
When you get more likes, more people will see your posts as they will appear on the newsfeed and on the feeds of the friends and followers of the users who liked it. If there are people who are interested in the post, they can check it out by clicking on the link. Popular posts are pushed higher up on the newsfeed, which will help them reach more views.
So make an effort to get more likes and drive more traffic to your page.