The old adage “A Picture Tells a Thousand Words” is a good indication that images are pretty important.
In this post, I want to talk about the importance of your product images and what types of images you should have on your listings to turn those watchers into buyers.
So, what types of images do you need?
The first image is your primary or “Hero” image. This is the first impression your customer gets, so it needs to be AMAZING.
For most eCommerce sites you will need a square image at around 2000px x 2000px on a pure white background. Some platforms may allow you to have some text or decorations of some sort, but regardless of whether you use a professional photographer or you DIY your photography, you need a good, in focus image that shows off your product’s best side. Once you have your image, scale it up so it fills 80% of the frame. This image is the most important one you have, as it will determine whether or not your potential customer clicks through to your listing when they see your product in the search results.

Now that you have led your customer onto your listing, many of them will scroll through your images. A recent survey found that up to 70% of customers on mobile devices swiped through all the available images. Being an Instagram and Facebook generation, everybody is used to looking at images, so images can go a long way in establishing trust in your brand, your store and ultimately the decision to actually click the “Buy” button.
Now you know that customers are interested in images, the question remains…What type of images?
Lifestyle images which help customers visualise how your product fits into their life and shows what it can do for them. Lifestyle images can show different uses of your product or you can add text that explains various features and benefits.
Infographics are images that educate your customers about your product. Typically, these images have callouts that highlight features or overlays that show size, weight or dimensions. If your product is a food or beauty product, you may include an image that mentions ingredients or other important information.
Icons that announce warranties, and the fact that you are a local seller can further add to the trust factor of your product.
A comparison image can further help show your product against your competition. Choose features that show your product as better than theirs.
To figure out what types of things customers what to know, take a look at the questions in the listings of your competitors. If you find similar questions over a number of products, look for ways to address them in your images so that as customers are scrolling, they are getting the information ahead of time.
To get these images, you can enlist the services of professional product photography companies, or you could hire a freelancer from Fiverr or Upwork. These will set you back many hundreds of dollars, which is often out of the budget for an unproven product. This is where Toffee Pop Templates come in. By having just one or two images of your own and our templates you will have high quality great converting images in no time.