
The Secret To Boost Your Online Sales

by | May 17, 2021

  • Do you sell physical products online?
  • Do you struggle to get the sales you dream of?

There are many reasons why your products might not be selling as well as you hoped.

It might not have a compelling description, it might be in the wrong category, it might be overpriced, it might not have free shipping, it might have a really awful title….OR

It Might Have Terrible Product Images

All of these issues are relatively easy to fix, and here at Toffee Pop Templates, we can help you create awesome images that buyers will love.

Potential buyers love great photos. In fact eBay states…

Using Lots Of High-Quality Pictures Provides A Great Shopping Experience And Helps To Sell Your Items.

In other words, great photos + a lot of them = you’ll boost eBay sales.

It is a well known scientific fact that us Humans are visual creatures. Some studies suggest that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.  So that goes to say that, you might spend hours writing killer Titles, Bullet points and Descriptions, but without awesome images you may well have wasted your time.

So, What are Product Photos REALLY For?

The true purpose of product images is to counteract the fact that your buyers cannot actually touch, feel and hold your product.  You need clear, descriptive images that convey all the features your buyer needs to know for them to be confident enough to click on that buy button.

Be sure to have the maximum amount of images allowed on your sales platform to present your product in all its glory.

But isn’t Product Photography EXPENSIVE?

Even a cursory glance at freelance sites such as Fiverr or Upwork will show you that Professional Product Images can cost hundreds of dollars. For an unproven product, this might be a cost that many just cannot justify.

Want Help Creating Product Photos? Here at Toffee Pop Templates, creating great designs that convert, is what we do.  Our easy to use Canva Templates allow you to simply drop in your product image ( that you can shoot on your phone quite successfully), choose some suitable lifestyle images and “voila” professional-looking images at a fraction of the price.

Upgrade your online presence with Toffeepop Templates!

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